How to Gain More Amazon Product Reviews in 2024

When did you last purchase online without reading any product reviews beforehand? 

If you’re like the majority of people, the answer is never.

Research shows that 72% of people won’t take action until they read a positive review about your business. We rely on reviews to guide our purchasing decisions. And in 2024, research found that 50% of consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family!

Gaining reviews on your Amazon product listing can’t be left to chance. You have to go out and get them. 

Thankfully, this blog post gives you practical tips you can implement today to start building your reviews. So let’s not waste any more time!

How Will Amazon Product Reviews Influence My Sales?

Ready for a quick quiz?

Question: Based on reviews, which one of these similar products will receive the most sales? 

Option A

Option B

Got your answer? 

If you said option A, give yourself a pat on the back, because you can’t always be correct! The right answer is option B! Buy why? It has a lower star rating. It has several 1,2, and 3-star reviews. Option A is all 4 and 5-star reviews. This has got to be a mistake. Bear with me. 

Let’s look at some customer psychology.

60% of consumers believe the number of reviews is crucial when deciding on a purchase.

A few customer reviews, no matter how good they are, won’t compare to a product with hundreds more. More reviews build credibility. Potential customers feel more confident that real people are reviewing your product. You’re telling customers, “Look! This is a popular product people regularly buy.” Think of every review you receive adding a brick of trustability to your business. 

Now let’s look at how your conversion rates rise as your reviews increase: 

  • One review can improve conversion rates by 10% or more.
  • 30 reviews can improve conversions by 25% or more.
  • 100 reviews can improve conversions by 37% or more.

It’s much clearer to see why Option B has higher monthly sales now, right? If you’re still unsure, here is another fascinating study. The Spiegel Research Center determined that ratings of 4.2 – 4.5 are the most trusted. Why? Mistakes happen. Deliveries get lost. Items get damaged. Some people think the colour of your waffle oven looked different in the pictures. 

Perfection in business doesn’t exist. Focus on actions inside your circle of control (product quality, high-quality images, customer service, etc,) and go after them reviews! 

How NOT to Get Amazon Product Reviews

There are some things you’ll want to avoid when getting Amazon reviews. Misleading reviews designed to manipulate customers hold a zero-tolerance policy. A light punishment might mean Amazon deleting all your reviews. A more severe sentence might mean listing suppression or losing your seller privileges (permanently!). 

Thankfully, Amazon keeps the rules regarding product reviews simple. On the help section of your Seller Central account, under “Amazon Community”, Amazon lists the following reviews that aren’t allowed

  • A review left by someone with an indirect or direct financial interest in your product (e.g. company investor, product manufacturer, etc,.)
  • A review left by someone you have a personal relationship with, including friends, family, and employees. 
  • A review left by someone who you paid in exchange for leaving it. 
  • A review left by someone who purchased your game in exchange for bonus in-game credits.

The bottom line: Amazon wants genuine product feedback from fellow shoppers.

7 Effective Ways to Increase Your Amazon Product Reviews in 2024

By now, you should understand the importance of product reviews and how NOT to acquire them for your listing. Let’s move on to the exciting part: increasing your reviews. Below you will find seven practical and proven ways to help skyrocket your review count! 

1. Amazon Vine Program

The Amazon Vine program is an excellent way to gain insightful reviews and increase social proof when launching a product or picking up momentum for a slow-moving product. Plus, it’s also a proven way to increase your sales! Amazon states that Vine reviews have been shown to boost sales by up to 30%

Here’s how it works:

  • Amazon Vine is an invitation-only programme which selects reviewers based on their insightful and unbiased reviews. These are known as “Vine Voices”. Vine Voices can order vine-enrolled products free of charge and share their product experiences with Amazon customers to help them make informed buying decisions.
  • To participate in Vine, you must have completed the Amazon Brand Registry.
  • In Seller Central, choose what products you’d like to enrol on the Vine program ($200 enrollment fee per parent ASIN), and enter the number of units you’d like to make available to Vine Voices.
  • You can receive as many as 30 reviews per product when you enrol.
2. Use Amazon’s “Request a Review” Button

Did you know 77% of customers are willing to leave a review when asked? That’s right! Regularly requesting reviews from your customers works! 

Amazon’s ‘Request a Review’ button allows you to request a review from your customers within four to 30 days of purchase. To access this feature, log into your Seller Central account, click on the “Orders” tab on your home screen, click “Manage orders”, and, from here, you can manually click on each order ID number. 

Once you click on the order ID, you’ll be taken to a new page where you can click “Request a Review” in the top right corner.

Of course, going through each order to click the “Request a Review” button can soon become tedious. We cover how you can speed up this process with software in the next point. 

3. Use Review Automation Software 

I have a confession. When I started selling on Amazon, I used to manually click through every order and send an email requesting an Amazon review. It worked well and was certainly better than not doing it, but it was a huge time-sink for my Amazon business. 

Avoid my mistakes and invest in review automation software. This software saves you from the time-consuming task of manually managing review requests while ensuring you don’t forget to send a request to a customer. I recommend Jungle Scout automation software. It’s user-friendly and packed with cool features like “total time saved.”

4. Include a Product Insert

Product inserts are another powerful and effective way to gain more reviews. During the packing process, include an insert asking people to leave a review on your product. 

Here are some guidelines for creating inserts that lead to more reviews:

  • Keep it simple. A few sentences work just fine.
  • Use eye-catching images and bright colours. Give customers a reason to stop and look at your insert.
  • Try to provide value first. Offer a 10% discount code. Promise to donate to your chosen charity for every review. Include a free e-book related to your product on the insert. Choose a value proposition that resonates with your business. 
  • Give them step-by-step instructions on how to leave a review on Amazon
  • Don’t ask for a “five-star” review. It’s against Amazon’s policy to ask for positive reviews. Instead, try asking for an “Honest review.”
5. Reconsider Your Amazon PPC Strategy

Are you chasing the lowest ACOS possible? While there’s certainly nothing wrong with having a low ACOS, it often equates to less sales volume than what your product is capable of. The more sales we receive, the more chance we have to build up our reviews faster. 

Here’s an alternative method: 

First, identify the keywords that have generated you the most sales, ideally with a monthly search volume of over 3,000. Then, I recommend putting your main keywords in individual ‘Exact’ campaigns; one keyword per campaign. Use ‘Fixed Bid’ or ‘Dynamic bids – down only’ and set a bid at the higher ends of Amazon’s bid suggestion. This tactic breaks out your important keywords to ensure they receive laser focus.

While this strategy will take a little longer to set up and your ACOS might creep up by 5 to 10%, you’ll get more sales and increase your organic rank for these keywords.

6. Prioritize Exceptional Customer Service

In Robert Cialdini’s famous book “Influence”, he talks about the “law of reciprocity”. This is the human tendency to reciprocate when someone does something for you first. 

In the case of Amazon reviews, if you promptly answer customer requests, provide help and support and generally go the extra mile to ensure your customers are happy with their purchase, they’re likely to pay you back with a glowing review. That’s how reciprocity works! And it gets even better for your business. Customers who enjoy a positive experience are likely to remain customers for five years longer than those with negative experiences. Never underestimate the value of customer experience.

7. Regularly Offer Discounts & Special Promotions

We love feeling like they’re getting a bargain. Receiving money off a product boosts our oxycontin levels. We feel happier. And what do happier customers do? They’re more likely to leave you a positive review. Plus, you’ve saved customers money. Remember the law of reciprocity mentioned above? More customers will feel obliged to leave you a review when prompted. 
While discounts and special promotions work well for gaining reviews, they’re also handy for boosting your sales when launching on Amazon. In fact, 80% of customers admit they’d try a new brand if offered a discount.

Final Thoughts

Starting out with low reviews is discouraging. Especially when your main competitors have hundreds, sometimes thousands, more reviews than you. But do you want an encouraging fact? They were in your position not long ago and they kept going! So that’s my final bit of advice to you: keep going! Dig in. Try as many tactics listed above as you can. They all work! Soon your listing will be the review envy of other sellers in your category.

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