
  • Amazon Bullet Points 2024 Changes! All You Need to Know
    The age-old debate about the effectiveness of emojis in Amazon product listings has finally been settled by the e-commerce giant itself. As of August 15, 2024, Amazon bullet points are undergoing several changes, effectively banning emojis, special characters,…
  • How to Gain More Amazon Product Reviews in 2024
    When did you last purchase online without reading any product reviews beforehand?  If you’re like the majority of people, the answer is never. Research shows that 72% of people won’t take action until they read a positive review…
  • Amazon Product Videos: Ultimate 2024 Guide for FBA Sellers
    An Amazon listing with a product video will see an increase in sales. Facts. According to Adobe, shoppers who view a product video are 1.81 times more likely to purchase than non-viewers. While engaging content, eye-catching images, and…
  • How To Create Amazon Posts That Drive Brand Growth
    Here’s an astounding fact: Social media is on track to generate $1.2 trillion in sales by 2025. The exciting bit? Amazon Posts mirrors social media content, empowering shoppers to effortlessly discover your brand and products. But it’s not…
  • Top 5 Amazon Storefront Examples in 2024
    Looking to drive more sales and boost your brand’s awareness with a powerful Amazon Storefront? Buckle up: We’re about to unravel the best Amazon Storefront examples that help sellers crush it in 2024. Now why is an Amazon…
  • How to Boost Amazon FBA Sales in 2024
    I received a fascinating message the other day. An Amazon FBA seller, active on Amazon since 2018, asked me to review their listing because their sales continue to decline annually.  The reason for the continued slump in sales…
  • Amazon Premium A+ Content: Everything You Need To Know in 2024
    Are you looking to captivate shoppers with a best-in-class brand experience? How about achieving an impressive 20% sales increase on your listing? Amazon Premium A+ Content can help you do just that. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll reveal…
  • Your Complete Amazon Infographics Guide for 2024
    Are you neglecting 65% of your target audience?  Quick test: Take a look at your Amazon product listings.  Are you using infographic images on your page? If the answer is no, you’re guilty.  65% of people are visual…
  • Amazon Backend Keywords: Everything You Need to Know in 2024
    Are you looking to enhance your Amazon listing with invisible SEO juice? Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? “Invisible SEO”. Well, that’s precisely what Amazon backend keywords are: invisible. And they do a fantastic job making your product more discoverable…
  • Amazon Listing Images Guide & Best Practices for 2024
    Are bad-quality Amazon listing images losing you thousands in potential revenue?  Are browsers left uninspired, underwhelmed and unimpressed after scrolling through your Amazon listing image gallery?  Online consumers depend on product images. And don’t just take our word…
  • Amazon Brand Story: Everything You Need To Set Your Brand Apart in 2024
    In 2024, brand storytelling is an absolute must to thrive in the increasingly competitive Amazon marketplace.  In this comprehensive Amazon Brand Story guide, we’ll uncover: So if you’re looking to grow your brand awareness and sales, let’s dive…
  • How To Master Amazon A+ Content Modules In 2024
    Standing out on Amazon is crucial. According to a 15-year study from 2000 to 2015, the average attention span of a human has decreased from 12 seconds to 8.25 seconds (yep, less than a goldfish!) Your Amazon listing…
  • 7 Amazon Keywords Tips To Rank Higher and Sell More in 2024
    One of the keys to success on Amazon? Keyword research. Get it wrong, and your product will be collecting dust on the back page of search results. Get it right? Watch your product’s visibility, ranking, and sales increase…
  • Are You Launching On Amazon South Africa? Follow Our 8-Step Success Formula
    The Amazon South Africa launch is sending ripples through the business world, offering exciting opportunities for both established brands and fresh faces. But before you dive headfirst into the Amazon South Africa marketplace, it’s crucial to understand the…
  • Are You Skipping Amazon SEO Fundamentals? Boost Sales Now
    When a shopper searches on Amazon, they are shown thousands of products to choose from. How do you ensure yours is shown too? The difference between your product being buried in the graveyard and soaring to the top…

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