Amazon keywords tips

7 Amazon Keywords Tips To Rank Higher and Sell More in 2024

One of the keys to success on Amazon? Keyword research. Get it wrong, and your product will be collecting dust on the back page of search results. Get it right? Watch your product’s visibility, ranking, and sales increase exponentially.

In this blog post, we’ll reveal top Amazon keywords tips so your product can be seen and purchased by the right audience. What’s more, these Amazon keywords tips are simple to apply, so you can start improving your ranking right away!

Why are these Amazon Keywords Tips Important?

Did you know that 70% of shoppers never click past page 1? Furthermore, 64% of clicks are granted to the first 3 products on Amazon search results. It’s no secret that listings with big traffic also achieve big sales numbers.

Amazon keywords tips

And how do we get big traffic?

It all starts with an effective keyword research strategy, followed by continuous performance tracking.

Let’s dive right into the Amazon keywords tips.

1. Strategic Amazon Title Optimisation

When it comes to SEO on Amazon, the product title stands as the crown jewel. Hence why product title optimisation secures top spot in our list of Amazon keywords tips. But before we cram in the highest search volume keywords, understand that this may potentially sabotage your ranking efforts. 


Chances are, there is a sea of competitors doing exactly the same, making it harder for you to rank.

Here is what we recommend instead:

  • Analyse Competitors: Type in your main keyword on Amazon and see which keywords competitors have in their titles. If most use the same Amazon search terms, you will need to find Amazon keywords that are less competitive. Of course, it is still recommended to use some of the same keywords as top competitors, however, we want to find the phrases that are easier to rank for.
  • Use Tools: A great way to check how competitive keywords are. One feature we use is Helium 10’s Title Density. This displays how many competitors are on page one with that exact phrase in their title. High Title Density? You’ll have less chance of ranking for this keyword. Low Title Density? Your product has a better chance of ranking.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: These keywords are more specific with higher buyer intent and are less competitive to rank for. Including long-tail keywords in your title can increase your chances of ranking for your main keyword in the long run.

Here is an example of title density below:

For the term “vegan protein powder”, the search results are saturated with that exact phrase in the title. And no surprise – It has a title density score of 28, meaning that 28 products on the first page have this phrase in their title.

What does this mean? 

Your product will face a tough battle trying to rank for this term. 

Now let’s take a look at another relatable phrase “plant based protein powder”…

This Optimum Nutrition product is ranking in the top spot, alongside two of the other top competitors who ranked for the more competitive phrase “vegan protein powder”. And once again, no surprise…

The term “plant based protein powder” has a title density of 0, meaning that no products on the first page have this exact search term in their title. This presents the Optimum Nutrition product a golden opportunity to rank on the first page for a less competitive keyword in the category.

Try to find keywords that have a low title density but also have a sufficient search volume.

Here’s an extra title tip:

Place the main keyword you want to rank near the start of the title. This not only works in the algorithm’s favour, but also customers will immediately see it on search results and think: “this is exactly what I am looking for!”

Optimise your title with strategic keyword placements, before seamlessly incorporating the rest of your keywords into the bullet points and product description. 

2. Only Use Relevant Keywords

The Amazon A9 algorithm ranks products based on their relevancy and performance. It wants to show customers the products that directly match their search query. This is why it’s essential to include only relevant Amazon keywords. 

If you sprinkle unrelated Amazon keywords onto your listing, two things happen:

  1. Your Amazon listing can be penalised.
  2. Your listing will struggle to convert.

Start with your target audience in mind. Think like they do.

For example, if you are selling a vegan protein powder, customers may also search for “plant-based protein” or “dairy-free protein”. What else would they type in? Make sure to brainstorm every possibility.

Focus on keyword relevancy, and your product has a higher chance of ranking.

3. Optimise Backend Search Terms

Amazon backend keywords are powerful hidden keywords that do not appear on your listing, but remain behind the scenes. 

The best bit?

They help index your product (your product is now searchable!)

As of January 2024, Amazon now allows up to 2,500 bytes (500 bytes per field) in some categories and there is no need for any punctuation or plurals.

Note: Not all categories have had the search terms bytes updated to 500 per field. If this is the case with your category, it should still remain at 250 bytes.

How to optimise your backend search terms?

Ideally, in your Amazon keyword research, you have a master keyword list. Place your most important, focus keywords into the frontend of your listing (title, bullet points, and description).

Next, gather up all of the remaining keywords and place them in the backend search terms fields.

Pick out words and phrases that have a high search volume, including misspellings and those that are in another language. Avoid repeating keywords that are in the frontend of your listing.

4. Use Keyword Research Tools

Sure, you can type in your main keyword into the Amazon search box and gather up some keywords. But how do you know which keywords are generating sales or whether you’ve captured all relevant search terms?

That’s where keyword tools come into play. 

There are many keyword tools, including Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and Merchant Words. These handy tools help you find top-performing keywords for your product.

5. Track Your Keyword Performance

Are you looking to increase your Amazon organic rank? Be sure to track the performance of your keywords to ensure your product is climbing up in the search results. What’s more, this will also maximise your PPC spend, ensuring it is more profitable. 

How do you track keyword performance? By manually checking the Amazon search results or using tools. A quick Google search for “Amazon keyword tracker” will display various tools for you to choose from if you go down this route.

6. Utilise Long-Tail Keywords

Which keyword has stronger buyer intent: “Water bottle” or “stainless steel water bottle with straw”?

If you chose the latter, you’re correct. With a higher buyer intent, long-tail keywords increase the likelihood of a purchase, which is why they are one of our most important Amazon keywords tips. In face, Amazon states that long-tail keywords may improve conversion rates as shoppers usually know exactly what they are looking for.

How do you find long-tail keywords?

Start with your main keyword, e.g., “water bottle”, then expand on that to find longer phrases. You can use tools or type into the Amazon search box. Here are some suggestions:

  • Type in “with” and “for” after your seed keyword.
  • Type in the size of your product before your seed keyword.
  • Type in a gender before your seed keyword.
  • Type in a unique feature before or after your seed keyword. E.g., “BPA-free water bottle”.

7. Analyse Your Search Term Report

We know this is an Amazon keywords tips post, but PPC plays a crucial role in your organic rankings. The Amazon PPC search term report is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into the performance of your advertising campaigns. 

Why is it useful?

It shows you the direct searches Amazon shoppers used to find and buy your product. These key insights can help you adjust your Amazon keyword strategy and may help you discover new keyword ideas. Simply put, you should always be on the lookout for new or more profitable keywords.

How often should you update keywords?

While there is no fixed timeframe for updating your keywords, it is best practice to update them regularly to adapt to consumer search behaviour and market trends. If your listing is struggling to get traffic, it is recommended to perform a keyword analysis review and adapt your strategy to maximise visibility.

Start Finding Profitable Amazon Keywords

There you have it. Our top Amazon keywords tips for 2024. If you are struggling to get traffic to your listing and want to take out the guesswork, consider partnering with SellerFrontier. We are a professional Amazon SEO agency that helps brands grow their market share and dominate on Amazon.

Need a helping hand with your keyword research? Simply contact us, and let’s plan an effective keyword strategy to help increase your product ranking and sales.


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