Amazon A+ content

How To Master Amazon A+ Content Modules In 2024

Standing out on Amazon is crucial. According to a 15-year study from 2000 to 2015, the average attention span of a human has decreased from 12 seconds to 8.25 seconds (yep, less than a goldfish!) Your Amazon listing needs to grab your customers’ attention immediately. Thankfully, Amazon offers various tools to help us do just that. 

This post will cover the best practices for creating A+ content that hooks customers. We will discuss the guidelines of each module and share tips about how to maximize customer engagement – whatever modules you choose!

First, Let’s begin by covering the basics of Amazon A+ content before we break down how to utilize it for your product listings to drive sales and increase brand awareness. 

What is Amazon A+ content?

Amazon A+ content is a powerful tool available to Amazon sellers with registered brands, allowing you to create attention-grabbing product descriptions with imagery, videos, SEO-rich content, comparison charts, and other engaging infographics. 

How does Amazon A+ content help improve my product listing?

Get this: Amazon states that A+ content can help increase your sales by 20% – that’s huge! Beautifully designed visual content helps customers quickly identify your product benefits at a glance. Short, engaging text descriptions keep things clear and concise. Comparison charts help illustrate what makes your product unique. This cocktail of benefits adds up to one thing: more sales for your products!

Am I eligible for Amazon A+ content?

In order to use Amazon A+ content in your listing, you must first meet a few eligibility requirements.

Here are the three steps:

  • Your brand must have a registered and active text (word mark) or image-based trademark (design mark). Your trademark must also be visible on your products or product packaging.
  • The trademark owners must submit the brand registry application.
  • Read more and begin the Amazon Brand enrollment process.

Once Amazon approves your brand registry application, you can create Amazon A+ Content for your product descriptions!

Is Amazon A+ Content worth it? 

In short, yes! Explore any competitive marketplace, and you will find the top sellers utilizing A+ content in their listings. A well-designed A+ content description will increase your conversion rates, lower advertising costs, increase brand awareness, and boost overall brand sales. 

Exploring the Different Amazon A+ Content Modules

What are Amazon A+ modules?

Think of modules as “building blocks” for your A+ content. Modules come in different shapes, styles, and varieties, helping you input your enchanted images and text how you prefer.

Amazon offers us 17 different modules to choose from. However, we can only use 7 modules within our Amazon A+ content section. You can mix and match module types or use the same module multiple times through your A+ content. Whether you want text-heavy A+ content or prefer to let your stunning product visuals do the talking, you can decide with A+ content. 


  • Image Size: 600 x 180px

The benefits of using the Standard Company Logo module: 

Placing your logo at the start of your A+ content instantly establishes brand recognition for customers familiar with your brand already. This reinforces brand recall and builds trust. For new customers browsing your product page, the logo serves as a first impression and introduces them to your brand identity. This is especially important if you’re competing with established brands.

Tip: Ensure your logo is high-resolution, clear, and consistent with your overall branding for maximum impact.

Module 2: Standard Four Image & Text


  • Image Size: 220 x 220px
  • Character Limit: 1000 (per section)

How we recommend using this module: 

There are several ways to utilize this module for your Amazon listing. Let’s take a look:

First, this module allows you to showcase your product from various angles, highlight its benefits, and demonstrate its use in different scenarios. This helps customers to visualize your product better and connect with it emotionally.

Addressing Pain Points: Showcase how your product solves customer problems through images and targeted text. This resonates with customers and positions your product as the ideal solution.

Short, Focused Text: The module encourages concise, impactful text snippets. This keeps viewers focused on key points and improves readability.

Tip: Ensure each text section directly relates to the corresponding image.

Module 3: Standard Image & Dark Text Overlay


  • Image Size: 970 x 300px
  • Character Limit: 300

The benefits of using the Standard Image & Dard Text Overlay module: 

The combination of a large, high-resolution image and contrasting dark text overlay creates a visually impactful element, grabbing attention and drawing viewers in. The dark overlay naturally draws focus to the white text, allowing you to highlight key product benefits.

Tip: Select an image that complements your brand identity and effectively delivers your message. Avoid overly busy visuals that might clash with the text.

Module 4: Standard Image Header With Text


  • Image Size: 970 x 600px
  • Character Limit: 6000

The benefits of using the Standard Image Header With Text module: 

Standout Image: The module features a large, high-resolution image. The 970 X 600px image allows you to showcase your product and set the tone for your A+ content.

Diverse Use Cases: You can utilize this module for various purposes, such as introducing your brand, highlighting a unique selling proposition (USP), showcasing your product in action, and much more. 

Tip: This module works great anywhere in your A+ content section. Many sellers only use this module, allowing their A+ content to flow seamlessly. 

Module 5: Standard Product Description Text


  • Character Limit: 6000

How we recommend using this module: 

Do you have plenty to say about your product but are limited by space using the other modules? This text-based module allows you to dive deeper into your product’s benefits and functionalities, helping customers fully grasp the value proposition of your product and how it addresses their needs.

Tip: While not as visually engaging as other modules, the “Standard Product Description Text” works best combined alongside them. It provides a text-based foundation that complements visuals and enriches the overall understanding of your product.

Module 6: Standard Single Image & Sidebar


  • Image Size (Left): 300 x 400px
  • Image Size (Right): 350 x 175px
  • Character Limit: 500
  • Sidebar Character Limit: 500
  • Bullet Point Limit: 8
  • Bullet Point Character Limit: 200 (each)

How we recommend using this module: 

This Amazon A+ module offers a unique blend of visual impact and detailed information. This module works well for multiple product types, from technical tools requiring detailed specifications to lifestyle products where benefits need elaboration. 

The sidebar provides space to highlight your brand’s mission or discuss other key product benefits. The bullet points offer an extra layer of engagement, ideal for emphasizing vital product benefit takeaways for customers. 

Module 7: Standard Single Left Image


  • Image Size: 300 x 300px
  • Character Limit: 1000

How we recommend using this module: 

This module keeps the visual focus on one key aspect of your product, avoiding visual clutter and helping customers understand your message quickly. 

The accompanying text section allows you to delve into the image’s content, explain its significance, or elaborate on the highlighted product benefits. This focused approach ensures clear communication and avoids overwhelming customers with information.

Tip: This clean module design with a single image and concise text makes the module easily digestible and scannable for customers, especially on mobile devices where attention spans are (even!) shorter.

Module 8: Standard Technical Specifications


  • Specification Limit: 16

How we recommend using this module: 

This module allows you to list and explain technical specifications in a concise format. This layout benefits customers who rely on specific details to make informed purchase decisions (perfect if you’re selling a highly technical product.) By providing readily available technical information, you empower customers to click “Buy Now” based on their specific needs and preferences, potentially leading to higher conversion rates.

Tip: Using a technical specifications module helps set realistic expectations and avoid customer confusion, potentially leading to fewer returns and negative reviews related to missing details.

Module 9: Standard Three Images & Text


  • Image Size: 300 x 300px
  • Character Limit: 1000 (per section)

How we recommend using this module: 

Similar to the “Standard Four Image & Text” module, this A+ module allows you to give your customers a quick snapshot of your product’s benefits. If your A+ content consists of text-heavy modules, this module is the ideal way to switch it up with short, punchy content that keeps customers engaged. 

Module 10: Standard Text


  • Character Limit: 5000

How we recommend using this module: 

Don’t immediately overlook this simple module. The “Standard text” module allows you to add detailed text explanations, stories, or brand messages without relying on visuals. Use it to delve deeper to target specific customer segments or address unique pain points related to your product. 

Tip: Strategically integrate relevant keywords into this module to improve organic search ranking and product visibility.

Module 11: Standard Single Right Image


  • Image Size: 300 x 300px
  • Character Limit: 1000

How we recommend using this module: 

Remember the “Standard Single Left Image” module above? This module shifts the image to the right and the text to the left. Consider switching between these two modules descending your A+ product description to create an engaging layout. 

Module 12: Standard Single Image & Specs Detail


  • Image Size: 300 x 300px
  • Character Limit: 
  • Section One: 400
  • Section Two: 600
  • Section Three: 1000
  • Bullet Point Limit: 8 
  • Bullet Point Character Limit: 100 each

How we recommend using this module: 

Don’t want to use an entire module for technical specifications? The “Standard Single Image & Specs Detail” offers the perfect middle ground between visual engagement and detailed information about your product. 

Tip: Consider using the text sections next to the image to discuss how your product works and how it benefits customers. Use the right sidebar to dive deeper into technical specifications, appealing to customers who prefer more specific details before purchasing. 

Module 13: Standard Single Image & Highlights 


  • Image Size: 300 x 300px
  • Character Limit: 
  • Section One: 1000
  • Section Two: 400
  • Section Three: 400
  • Bullet Point Limit: 8 
  • Bullet Point Character Limit: 100 each

How we recommend using this module: 

This module adapts well to various product types, from showcasing the visual appeal of apparel to highlighting the key benefits of nutrition products. By focusing on a single image, you can direct customer attention to specific product features or benefits you want to highlight. The accompanying sidebar of bullet points allows you to present features, benefits, or specifications. This format is easily digestible and encourages quick scanning.

Module 14: Standard Multiple Image Module A


  • Image Size: 300 x 300px
  • Character Limit: 1000 (Per Section)

How we recommend using this module: 

Unlike other modules with text overlays, this module allows more freedom in arranging the images, enabling you to create a visually compelling story or product flow. Consider using this module for engaging step-by-step product guides through a sequence of images, simplifying the process for customers. Other engaging usages include showcasing your product’s variations, sizes, or colors, giving customers a comprehensive understanding of the options available to them.

Module 15: Standard Image & Light Text Overlay


  • Image Size: 970 x 300px
  • Character Limit: 300

How we recommend using this module: 

For those who prefer black text on a white background, this module offers a subtle change from the “Standard Image & Dark Text Overlay” module. This module works well for showcasing lifestyle products, highlighting emotional elements, or emphasizing specific product details. Choose what module style works best for your brand and available images. 

Module 16: Standard Four Image/Text Quadrant


  • Image Size: 135 x 135px
  • Character Limit: 1000 (Per Section)

How we recommend using this module: 

The “Standard Four Image/Text Quadrant” module offers a unique way to present your product through visuals and information, making it suitable for various product types. The quadrant Layout divides the module into four equal sections, creating a clean and organized presentation of product information. This layout can be visually appealing and improve scannability for customers.

Tip: Ensure the text areas don’t overwhelm the visuals. Maintain a good balance between image size and text length for optimal readability and engagement.

Module 17: Standard Comparison Chart


  • Comparison Products: 6 (Maximum)
  • Comparison Metrics: 10 (Maximum)

How we recommend using this module: 

This powerful module allows you to link up to 6 different ASINs and create a table to compare them against similar products from your brand. For example, If you’re selling different quality tiers of products, this module offers a perfect chance to upsell your premium products for customers willing to spend more with your brand. 

Tip: By openly comparing your products, you demonstrate transparency and confidence in their quality and value. This module can build trust with potential buyers who appreciate honest information.

What else should you consider when creating A+ Content?

Alt-image keywords

When adding A+ content images, you will notice a section to add keywords to your images. The keywords won’t impact your ranking on Amazon,  but they will index on Google searches. Your A+ image keywords are also used for screen reader applications for visually impaired customers. We recommended writing short, descriptive keyword alt-text for your images.


Bad: large bowl

Good: Large decorative white ceramic bowl for kitchen countertop 

Is your Amazon A+ Content optimized for mobile browsers?

Firstly, Don’t worry! Amazon will automatically format your A+ content for mobile apps or browsers. But here’s the catch: it won’t always look perfect. Before you publish your A+ content, ensure that your content looks attractive to mobile users.

Here’s how: Amazon allows you to preview your A+ description in desktop and mobile views before hitting the “Publish” button. That way, you can see how your content will appear when viewed via mobile. 

You’re an Amazon Agency; what A+ module layout do you recommend? 

Great question! After optimizing hundreds of A+ content pages, we’ve discovered exactly what keeps customers’ eyeballs glued to your listing until they click the ‘Add to Cart’ button.

Here’s one of our favorite A+ content layouts at Seller Frontier: 

Module one: Logo module.

Module Two: Image Header with Text Module: We use this module to showcase a large image of your product and present your product’s main unique selling point (USP).

Module three: Standard Single Image Left: We use this module to incorporate engaging text highlighting another one of your product benefits while using a complimentary 300 x 300-pixel image.

Module four: Standard Single Image Left: Same module, different benefits. Here, we use a lifestyle image to help customers imagine themselves using the product. 

Module Five: Standard Four Images & Text: concise and punchy. We use this module to present additional product benefits that customers can scan over quickly. 

Module Six: Standard Single Image & Specs Detail: if customers haven’t clicked “Buy Now” yet, they might need a little more information about your product first. We use this module to present product benefits along with technical details. 

Module Seven: Image Header with Text: Here’s a great place to insert a large product lifestyle image to contain the above content. 

We like this layout because it represents a sandwich with just the right amount of filling. The two large image modules at the top and bottom of the A+ content keep all the juicy product details organized in the middle for effortless readability. 


So, what A+ content module layout should you choose? It depends! Every brand is different. While the layout above may work well for a strawberry protein shake, it could leave customers in the market for a gaming PC scratching their heads. Always experiment! Find a layout you love. Test it. Refine it. And if you want some extra assistance? Reach out to us at Seller Frontier. We offer bespoke A+ content design services that help maximize engagement and sales. 


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