How to Boost Amazon FBA Sales in 2024

I received a fascinating message the other day.

An Amazon FBA seller, active on Amazon since 2018, asked me to review their listing because their sales continue to decline annually. 

The reason for the continued slump in sales was evident immediately. The listing was a time capsule. Uploaded in 2018 and left to gather dust ever since. 

The listing images looked grainy and poorly edited (all three of them). Outdated keywords cluttered the copy. Poor formatting made the bullet points look tacky. An HTML product description hide vital information at the bottom of the page. 

While this is an extreme example, the lesson is this: Amazon is a constantly changing landscape. It’s not a set-and-forget job. Your listing requires constant nurturing. The listing described above was more than likely better than most competitors in 2018. Fast forward a few years, and it’s almost entirely irrelevant. 

Whether you’re just getting started on Amazon FBA or a veteran business that wants to boost sales, the ten tactics below will help you stay ahead of the curve in 2024.

10 Tactics to Boost Your Amazon FBA Listing Sales in 2024 

1. Optimize Your Listing Images

Amazon listing images are the lifeblood of your product’s success. They’re the first impression that grabs a shopper’s attention and convinces them to click for a closer look.

A captivating main image showcasing your product in all its glory is essential.

But don’t stop there!

High-quality zoom options, benefit-focused text, and lifestyle images synergize to tell a compelling story and turn casual browsers into satisfied customers. So, ditch the blurry photos and invest in professional images that will make your products shine on Amazon.

2. Keep Your Inventory Stocked 

Amazon does not like when you go out of stock. Why? It’s bad for business. If your products gather momentum and you run out of stock, you give returning customers and customers who have already placed your item in their basket a negative experience. Scarcity tactics won’t work here. Not only will staying in stock maintain your ranking, but it will also help boost it over time! 

Thankfully, Amazon offers a handy FBA restock tool to help you avoid going out of stock. This free tool considers your sales history, demand forecast, seasonality, and replenishment settings to provide custom recommendations for your product.

To access this tool, log into your Seller Central account, head to the inventory tab, select “Inventory Planning,” and click “Restock Inventory.” You will find the Restock Tool in the columns labeled “Recommended Replenishment QTY” and “Recommended Ship Date.”

3. Research and Update Your Keywords to Improve Your SEO

Make sure your product gets in front of the maximum amount of eyeballs. Optimizing your listing with keywords customers are searching to find your product will help boost your listing traffic. And when you’ve got an attractive listing, more traffic means more sales! Even if you optimized your listing 12 months ago, you might be surprised how customers use new keywords to find your product. Schedule regular SEO updates to ensure you’re not missing out on trending keywords for your product. 

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you’re selling solar glasses. Your family has been in this business for years. Leading up to the total solar eclipse in America in April 2024, you anticipate big sales. Your next chance to cash in on such a big event will be 20 years! You update your keywords with phrases that receive over 1,000 monthly searches four months before the event at the beginning of the year, you know, just to make sure you’re ready to cash in big.

Keyword:Monthly Search Volume 4 months before the eclipseMonthly Seach Volume 1 month before the eclipse
2024 eclipse glasses80150,360
approved solar eclipse glasses38240,791
eclipse glasses 202427249,465
solar eclipse glasses 202432753,133
solar eclipse viewing glasses1,4337,960

Yikes! You might have easily overlooked the first four keywords because their search volume was so slow. That’s a lot of missed sales. If you haven’t updated your keywords in the past few months, get searching!

P.S. Our Amazon SEO guide offers a complete roadmap to ensure you know the best steps to optimize your listing.

4. Ensure You’re Using A+ Content

Here’s what Amazon has to say about A+ Content: it can help increase sales by up to 20%! Now, I don’t know about you, but if I know there’s a way to get 20% more sales on my listings, I’m doing it, and fast. Here’s how you can get started, too!

First, you have to apply for Amazon Brand Registry. Head over to the Amazon brand registry website, and from here, you can ensure that you’re eligible and meet all the criteria to enroll. 

Once you’ve successfully enrolled, you can begin creating A+ content for your products. Amazon offers 17 different A+ modules to choose from. However, you can only use seven modules within your A+ content section. You can mix and match module types or use the same module multiple times through your A+ content. 

Here’s a recent example of an A+ content section we created for one of our clients:

5. Expand Your Amazon Business Globally

Have you ever dreamed of traveling across Europe? Or maybe you’d prefer to explore the Americans? How about getting a taste of what life is like down under? Sending your products packing on a global adventure can help boost your profits tremendously. And you don’t have to go anywhere with FBA! There could be thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of people in different continents and countries around the world waiting for a product like yours to become available on their local Amazon marketplace.

Explore Amazon Global Selling and discover what marketplaces appeal to you. While this step will require research and planning, your sales might double, triple, or even more!

6. Offer Promotions to Attract New Customers 

Who doesn’t love a good old promotion? Amazon Coupons offer a way to go to help ignite your sales volume. They let you offer either percentage discounts or dollars-off discounts displayed to customers on search results and the Amazon Coupons page. Both these discount options help attract new customers to your product page and encourage existing customers to stock up on your product. 

But which one should you choose? Dollar or percentage-off?

A fascinating study published in the Journal of Business Research in 2016 compared the Amount off versus the percentage off. The study indicates that savings expressed using an absolute amount frame (dollars-off) result in higher perceptions of value and purchase intentions than the equivalent saving expressed using a percentage frame. 

So, if you’re selling a $50 product, you’re best tactic to attract more sales would be to offer “$5 off” rather than “10% off” to increase perceived value!

7. Maintain Competitive Pricing

Keeping your prices competitive in your marketplace helps your business scale. Amazon customers will often consider the price of your product before making a purchase. If a competitor sells the same product for a bit cheaper and the customer can’t see a noticeable quality difference, they’ll always choose the least expensive option. 

While you don’t want to cut prices too low to hurt your profit margins, you don’t want to drive customers away with inflated prices either. One way to optimize your pricing is to look at your competitor’s pricing. Monitoring similar listings will ensure your prices match customer expectations. 

But there is another option we recommend, especially if you’re selling seasonal products with high and low fluctuations in sales. Amazon has a free automatic pricing tool that adjusts to changes in demand, so you don’t have to study the marketplace constantly. Just choose the listings you want to enroll, set your price limits, and you’ve got an eye on the market 24 hours a day, year-round! The tool is a huge time saver and excellent for increasing your sales with competetive pricing!

8. Encourage Your Customers to Leave Reviews

A study focusing on the impact of online product reviews found that 98% of surveyed customers consider product reviews before making a purchase. Ninety-eight percent! If you’re not taking active steps to build reviews on your product, now is the time to start. Nothing will make a customer click “Buy Now” faster than seeing a review from Beaty W. gushing about how she’s tried all similar products in the marketplace, but your one is heads and shoulders above the competition. 

One of the best ways that we have found to get more reviews is to ask for them! Amazon offers sellers a “Request a Review” button in Seller Central to manually request reviews for each of your orders within four to 30 days of purchase. It sends your customers a polite email asking them to leave a review for your product.

9. Use Social Commerce to Boost Sales 

Never underestimate the power of Instagram and TikTok to skyrocket your Amazon sales.  

Let’s start with Instagram.

Instagram allows you to target demographics most likely to purchase your best-selling Amazon products through Instagram’s feed or story ads.

Additionally, through your Amazon FBA account, you can create a social media promo code. Head to the Advertising tab, click the “Promotions” button, and explore the options to create a promo code for your Amazon landing page.

Plus, if you have an Amazon FBA account and a Shopify account, you can direct customers to your Shopify store, where customers can quickly make a purchase, and Amazon will handle the fulfillment for you.

With so many sellers focusing their marketing efforts solely on the Amazon platform, investing in Instagram ads helps avoid over-competitive marketplaces. Many sellers report lowering their pay-per-click (PPC) significantly when they discover the power of Instagram advertising. 

Now, as for TikTik, the reach you can generate on this platform is huge!

Engaging and creative videos of your product in action can amass thousands of eyeballs rapidly. Just avoid videos that feel too salesy. 

The more authentic your videos, the more engagement and interest you will generate around your product. 

Plus, on TikTok, you can link to your Amazon product page or e-commerce store to show people where to purchase your product. Cha-ching!

10. Outsource to Amazon Experts

Getting started on FBA can be an exhausting process. When you think you’re ready to dominate your marketplace, you have another pile of things to consider. At this point, some sellers begin to cut corners. They skip listing infographics. They rush keyword research. They leave brand registry for another time. But why cut corners when you can have someone else do it for you? Outsourcing to experts ensures you put your listing in the best possible position to succeed. 


There you have it. Ten ways to boost your sales you can start using today. Consider what seems most urgent for your Amazon listing and apply them first. Whether it’s just taking 10 minutes a day to request reviews or adding a few new high-performing keywords to your title, I’m confident you will see a rise in sales soon!

If you want to check out our Amazon listing service to help you boost your sales this year, click here.

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